Life as an Experiment - Skincare

Life as an Experiment - Skincare

Experiment: Skincare
Why: To help prevent cancer.

Skincare is usually women's business (sad to say that, but is true), and it's hard to see men caring about it. It was not different for me. I didn't use to pay much attention to that either. The most I used to do most was use some sunscreen when I went surfing or hiking.

Until the moment a small stain appeared on my nose. I thought it would disappear, but after some months and some increase in the stain's size, I decided to consult a dermatologist.

The result worried me: a pre-malign stain which had a 75% chance of turning into cancer. The doctor told me that in that stage, a simple procedure should be enought to solve the issue, which consisted on burning the stain with nitrogen. Without thinking twice, I did it.

I realized I should start skincare as soon as possible. But nothing to much complicated. I started using a Sunscreen with anti-aging action and a cream with Hyaluronic Acid, responsible for skin renewal and filling wrinkles and fine enough lines of expression.

I apply these products on my face after shower or after washing my face. It's simple, don't hurts and helps preventing aging signals and more complicated issues.

Please take care before facing similar problems and vist a dermatologist :-)

Here are the prodcuts I use:

Gel Booster Panvel Faces Aqua 50g

La Roche Posay Anthelios Hydraox